Monday, June 2, 2008

The "post mother's day" Post

So I thought that things would slow down for me after softball was over, but they really haven't. And to top it off, my internet at home has been acting screwy, so to get on the internet (and blog...), I have to go to my office. That's where I do most of my blogging anyway...while I'm "working". No...I get my work's just easy to get sidetracked with blogging, downloading music, writing emails, that sort of thing.

Anyway, so I've taken a bunch of cute pictures, and the easiest way to combine all of them was just to do a slide show. So I'll run ya through the slide show. Riley and I spent a nice mother's day at my mother's house (Dylan had to work all day) where I got to spend it with some of the best mother's I know.

Then I was lucky enough to take a few days and fly to Dallas with Riley, my mom, and my mom's mom to visit my little sis Holly, who is expecting a little boy on the exact same day as me. I commend her husband for putting up with a house full of women (2 of which are pregnant and hormonal and cranky) for 5 days in the Texas heat!! Thanks Kimball!! Anyway, we had a great time...ate way too much good food, went shopping, went swimming every day, made some cute mobiles for the babies, attempted to make some slings (front carriers) for the babies (turns out the pattern was made for skeletons without shoulders...or stomachs for that matter... or for little girls to use with their dolls)...wish I would've gotten some more pictures of the sling-making night. If you go to Holly's blog link, she got a good pic that pretty much summed up the sitting at the sewing machine with an imaginary gun to my head next to my mother who has been trying to figure out how to attach the cell phone pocket to the sling for 3 hours now!!! Aaahh...good times...I'm having flashbacks to the kitchen curtains!! We had a great time though.

I know it's way late, but I want to shout out to all the great mother's in my life to whom I look up to and learn from. My own mother, my mother in law, my sisters, my grandmothers, my aunts, my cousins, my friends. I love all of you and I think you are all terrific mothers!!!


Marinda said...

Cute post. And cute hair. Did you cut it again since I saw you last? Glad you girls had fun in Texas. Wish I could have been there with ya.

Holly said...

Only 68 days to go, can you believe it??? I'll race you to the finish...On your mark, get set, go!

MyR said...

I MISS YOU!!! When are you coming here again? I'm still waiting for you to call me!